Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine annual awards
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine recognizes students, faculty and staff for their dedication to teaching and exemplary work in education. Education leaders and the graduating medical class chose the recipients of these distinguished awards.

Dean's Recognition Award
John Stulak, M.D. (S '06, TS '08, CS '09)
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Given to an individual with outstanding contributions and a longstanding dedication to Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine and its students. The recipient is an inspiration and strong advocate for students.

Dean's Recognition Award for Diversity and Inclusion
Walter Franz III, M.D. (FM '82)
Department of Family Medicine
Given to a member of Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine who exemplifies exceptional service to the school for efforts related to diversity and inclusion.

Mayo Brothers Award
Chris M. Olson Jr. (MED' 19)
Given to a fourth-year medical student in memory of the Mayo brothers' service to the U.S. Army. Recipients embody the values of Mayo Clinic and the U.S. Army, such as academic performance, leadership, service, integrity, dutifulness and dedication to the patient.

Mayo Brothers Award
Benjamin Mundell (OR '15, MED' 19)
Given to a fourth-year medical student in memory of the Mayo brothers' service to the U.S. Army. Recipients embody the values of Mayo Clinic and the U.S. Army, such as academic performance, leadership, service, integrity, dutifulness and dedication to the patient.

Teacher of the Year - Basic Science
Joseph Grande, M.D., Ph.D. (PATH '89, LABM '91)
Division of Anatomic Pathology
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

James Gregoire, M.D. (MED ’86, I ’89, NEPH ’92, PHAR ’92)

Golden Stethoscope Award
Joshua Ellis, M.D. (EM '19)
Department of Emergency Medicine

Golden Stethoscope Award
Leah Heidenreich, M.D. (MED '17, P '18, PD '21)
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Golden Stethoscope Award
Hailon Wong, M.D. (FM '19)
Department of Family Medicine