Lonzetta (Loni) Neal, M.D. (GIM ’00)
Alumni Association Board Member
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine – Breast Diagnostic Clinic, Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Residency: University of Minnesota Fairview Hospitals and Clinics, Minneapolis
Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Undergraduate Degree: Carroll College, Waukesha, Wis.
Native of: Milwaukee
When did you decide to pursue medicine?
I had decided to be a medical technologist. I worked at a teaching hospital in Milwaukee, where I met a lot of residents and medical students. After 10 years as a med tech, I decided to go to medical school – primarily because I wanted more patient contact. I love interacting with, educating and encouraging my patients. I also love working with, mentoring and teaching medical students and residents.
What were you first impressions of Mayo Clinic?
My initial impression was of the camaraderie and collegiality of the staff. You could pick up the phone and get expert advice from world experts – that was fascinating to me.
How does Mayo Clinic influence your practice?
Because we see routine and unusual cases from around the country and world, we are stimulated to keep abreast of the latest research and developments in our areas of interest. Working in an academic medical center keeps the imaginative juices flowing. I find myself constantly researching and reading about various topics of interest in my field of breast diseases.
What do you do in your spare time?
I read, sing, knit, watch sports, walk the dog and entertain friends.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I was a magician’s assistant part time after college for the Amazing Divad (David spelled backwards). I also auditioned for the Metropolitan Opera (New York City) but didn’t make it.