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Paula Santrach, M.D., receives 2017 American College of Medical Quality Founders’ Award

paula santrach

Paula Santrach, M.D.

Paula Santrach, M.D. (BLBK ’90), Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and Mayo Clinic’s chief quality officer, received the 2017 American College of Medical Quality Founders’ Award in recognition of long-standing national leadership and exceptional ability to foster and support health care quality.

The award honors an individual for outstanding contributions to medical quality management or clinical quality improvement in the areas of scholarship, ideas or promotion of the specialty.

Dr. Santrach also is an associate professor of laboratory medicine and pathology and serves as associate dean for the Value Subgroup of the Mayo Clinic Clinical Practice Committee.

She has been involved in quality and safety improvement work since 1995 and is active in national professional societies, including the University Healthsystem Consortium (now Vizient) and in the Minnesota health care community.

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