Nominate Prospective Board Members

Nominate prospective board members for the Alumni Association. Every two years, a Nominating Committee chaired by the Past-President of the Alumni Association reviews nominees and recommends prospective board members and officers to the full board. If approved by the Board of Directors, these nominees are then voted on by the Association members at their biennial business meeting.

Criteria considered when selecting members for the board of directors include:

  • Active membership in the Mayo Clinic Alumni Association
  • Representation of medical and surgical specialties
  • Geographic distribution
  • Leadership roles in the field of medicine
  • Commitment to representing alumni interests
  • Interest in serving alumni
  • Interest in promoting Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Clinic Alumni Association

How to nominate prospective board members

To nominate a fellow association member — or yourself — for the board, send a letter nominating or expressing interest in board service, current curriculum vitae, bibliography, address, phone number and email address, as well as a description of professional leadership roles in the Alumni Center at the following address:

Siebens Building, Seventh Floor
200 First St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905

You may also email or fax to 507-538-7442.

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