Mayo Clinic Alumni magazine earns awards

Mayo Clinic Alumni, the quarterly magazine of the Mayo Clinic Alumni Association, has won several awards this year — most recently a 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, Silver Award in Publications, and a MarCom Awards, Platinum Award in Publications. MUSE Creative Awards is a prestigious international award platform celebrating excellence and innovation in creative design, advertising, marketing and communications. The award honors the craft that shapes compelling narratives and leaves a lasting impact on audiences. MarCom Awards, administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, honor excellence in marketing and communication. Each year 6,500 entries are submitted from dozens of countries. The issue of the magazine that received these two awards was issue 4 2022, which features World War II correspondence from Mayo Clinic physicians, profiles of physicians who serve in the military today, Mayo Clinic’s Military Medicine program and more.

In the last several years, the magazine’s awards are:

  • 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, Silver Award in Publications (issue 4 2022)
  • 2023 Marcom Awards, Platinum, Publications-Magazine-Educational Institution (issue 4 2022)
  • 2023 Indigo Awards, Silver, Magazine & Newspaper Design (issue 2 2022)
  • 2023 Davey Awards, Silver, Consumer Magazine (issue 4 2022)
  • 2023 Communicator Award of Excellence, Print Content-Educational Institution (issue 3 2022)
  • 2022 Indigo Awards, Silver, Magazine & Newspaper Design (issue 3 2021)
  • 2022 Communicator Award of Excellence, Marketing/Promotion, Magazine-Educational Institution (issue 3 2021)
  • 2022 SIA (Service Industry Advertising) Awards, Gold Winner in Publication (issue 2 2022)

 Mayo Clinic Alumni magazine is distributed to alumni around the world — physicians and scientists who have trained or been on staff at Mayo Clinic or currently are training or on staff at Mayo — to keep alumni up to date about happenings at Mayo Clinic and share stories about alumni around the world. The alumni group numbers more than 34,000.

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