Mayo Clinic announces Center for Clinical and Translational Science 2019 Benefactor-Funded Career Development Awards
The Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science announced the 2019 Benefactor-Funded Career Development Awards. These awards provide important seed money for junior investigators.

Linda Baughn, Ph.D. (LABM & PATH '18)
Marion Schwartz Career Development Award in Multiple Myeloma
"Understanding Racial Disparities in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias"
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Division of Laboratory Genetics and Genomics
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Santanu Bhattacharya, Ph.D. (BIOC '13)
Jay and Deanie Stein Career Development Award for Cancer Research at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
"Reprogramming Fibrotic and Immune Microenvironment of Pancreatic Cancer Using Targeted Gold Nanoparticles"
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mayo Clinic in Florida

Elena Anna De Filippis, M.D., Ph.D. (ENDO '13)
James A. Ruppe Career Development Award in Endocrinology
"Investigating the Effect of Obesity on Eosinophil Recruitment in Human Adipose Tissue"
Division of Endocrinology
Department of Internal Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Ali Duarte Garcia, M.D. (CTSA '19, RHEU '19)
Larry and Ruth Eaton Family Career Development Award in Innovative Arthritis Research
"Improving Care for Patients With Lupus and Multimorbidity"
Division of Rheumatology
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Amel Dudakovic, Ph.D. (OR '15)
Career Development Award in Orthopedics Research
"Inhibition of PRC2 Complex to Stimulate Bone Formation"
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Chandrasagar Dugani, M.D., Ph.D. (HIM '18)
Robert and Elizabeth Strickland Career Development Award within the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, Diabetes and Nutrition
"Hispanic Patient Risks and Emerging Biomarkers for Diabetes Complications and Treatment Study" (Hispanic PREDICT Study)
Division of Hospital Internal Medicine
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Benjamin Elder, M.D., Ph.D. (NS '17)
Helene Houle Career Development Award in Neurologic Surgery Research
"A Novel Regenerative Engineered Implant for Enhancement of Spinal Fusions and Treatment of Large Bone Defects in the Spine and Extremities"
Department of Neurologic Surgery
Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Mackram Eleid, M.D. (I '09, CMR '10, CV '13, CVIC '14, CVHD '15)
Career Development Award 2 in Cardiovascular Research Honoring Dr. Earl H. Wood
"Invasive Hemodynamic Response to Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair"
Division of Interventional Cardiology
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Jeffrey Geske, M.D. (MED '07, I '10, CV '14)
Paul and Ruby Tsai and Family Career Development Award in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Research in Honor of Dr. Nishimura
"A Prospective Incident Study of Arrhythmias in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Division of Structural Heart Disease
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Alicia Hinze, M.D. (RHEU '18)
Mayo Clinic Margaret Harvey Schering Clinician Career Development Award for Arthritis Research
"Early Detection of Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Systemic Sclerosis Using Quantitative CT Imaging"
Division of Rheumatology
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Damon Houghton, M.D. (CVVM '18)
Eduardo G. Mestre and Gillian M. Shepherd, M.D., Clinician Career Development Award Honoring John T. Shepherd, M.D.
"Calf Muscle Pump Function and the Association With Venous Thromboembolism"
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
Division of Hematology
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Pamela Jackson, Ph.D. (RES '15)
John M. Nasseff, Sr. Career Development Award in Neurologic Surgery Research
"Virtual Imaging Controls for Determining Response to Treatment"
Innovations Lab
Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Arun Kanakkanthara, Ph.D. (PD '15)
Wallace and Evelyn Simmers Career Development Award for Ovarian Cancer Research
"Exploring Oxidative Phosphorylation Inhibitors as a Potential Therapy for BRCA1-Deficient Ovarian Cancer"
Division of Medical Oncology
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Lioudmila Karnatovskaia, M.D. (THDC '14)
Lucile Nelson Clinician Career Development Award in Pulmonary Diseases Research
"Improving Psychological Outcomes of Critical Illness Survivors"
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Andrea Kattah, M.D. (NEPH '14, CTSA '16, GIMF '16)
Robert W. Fulk Career Development Award Fund in Nephrology Research Honoring Dr. Fernando Fervenza
"Fertility, Sexual Function, and Endothelial Health in Premenopausal Women With Kidney Disease"
Division of Nephrology and Hepatology
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Cadman Leggett, M.D. (I '12, CI '13, GI '15)
Jerry A. Wenger Career Development Award in Gastroenterology Research
"Significance of Glandular Atypia in Barrett's Esophagus Determined by Volumetric Laser Endomicroscopy"
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Gina Mazza, Ph.D. (RES '19)
Daniel J. Sargent, Ph.D., Career Development Award in Cancer Research
"Addressing Missing Data on Patient-Reported Symptomatic Adverse Events in Cancer Clinical Trials"
Research associate
Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Bolni Nagalo, Ph.D. (HEMO '17)
Kathryn H. and Roger Penske Career Development Award to Support Medical Research at Mao Clinic Arizona
"Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Synthetic Hybrid Oncolytic Vesiculovirus for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer"
Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Minh-Doan Nguyen, M.D., Ph.D. (PLS '14)
Simons Family Career Development Award in Surgical Innovation
"Optimization of DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction"
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Department of Surgery
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Filippo Pinto e Vairo, M.D, Ph.D. (CGEN '17)
Fulk Career Development Award for Research in Nephrology, Glomerular Diseases and Clinical Trials
"Use of Genomic Testing to Investigate Undiagnosed Patients With Chronic Kidney Diseases"
Department of Clinical Genomics
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Glenn M. Stewart, Ph.D. (CVTHD '17)
Career Development Award in Cardiovascular Disease Research Honoring Dr. Earl H. Wood
"Unmasking Pulmonary Gas Transfer Dysfunction in Cardiovascular Diseases with Novel Lung Diffusion Assessment During Exercise Right Heart Catheterization"
Cardiovascular Research
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Daniel Trifletti, M.D. (RADO '18)
Eveleigh Family Career Development Award for Cancer Research at Mayo Clinic in Florida
"Glioblastoma Radiation Priming and Interplay With Stem Cell-Based Therapies"
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Neurologic Surgery
Mayo Clinic in Florida

Ying Wang, M.D., Ph.D. (BIOC '16)
Ted and Loretta Rogers Cardiovascular Career Development Award Honoring Hugh C. Smith
"Role of Neuropilin-1-Mediated Endothelial Cell Inflammatory Response in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction"
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mayo Clinic in Florida