Mayo Clinic announces Transform the Practice teams

Mayo Clinic research and practice leaders announced the next round of teams to advance the Transform the Practice strategic goal. This initiative aims to foster and support multidisciplinary teams of clinicians and researchers to form Transformation Teams that will collaboratively address unmet clinical needs by accelerating translation of new products, services and therapeutic capabilities into the Mayo Clinic practice, improving patient care and distinguishing Mayo Clinic as a destination practice.

The following transformation teams will launch in 2020.

Development and Validation of an Innovative Hybrid Molecular Imaging Technique, Ga-PSMA-Dual Contrast PET/MRI, to Transform the Care of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Nocturnal Seizure Prediction Modeling in Refractory Epilepsy Patients Using Radio Frequency Signal Analysis of Sleep Physiology

Principal investigator: Melissa Lipford, M.D. (N '11, SLEP '12), Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Machine Learning for Accurate Identification of Individuals of High Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Phage Therapy Program at Mayo Clinic

Refining Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Principal investigator: Nathan Staff, M.D., Ph.D. (I1 '05, N '08, PND '09, NEMG '10), Division of Neuromuscular Medicine, Mayo Clinic in Rochester



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