Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine 2018 achievement awards in internal medicine education

Mayo Clinic’s Department of Medicine in Rochester presented 2018 achievement awards in internal medicine education:

Endowed fellowships

The Burgher Family Fellowship Award in Thoracic Diseases

Gustavo Cortes Puentes, M.D. (THDC '19), Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, assistant professor of medicine


The Burgher Family Fellowship Award in Thoracic Diseases

Mikyung Kwon, M.D., Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida


Marinelli Fellowship Award

Karthik Giridhar, M.D. (HEMO '18), Division of Hematology, instructor in medicine and oncology


LeeAnn McCaffrey, M.D., Women in Medicine Outstanding Achievement Award

Kathleen A. Young, M.D. (I '18), Division of Internal Medicine


Joseph D. Messler, M.D., General Internal Medicine Outstanding Achievement Award

Elizabeth Wight, M.D. (I '18), Division of Internal Medicine


Tow Shung Tan Humanism in Medicine Award

Jonas Paludo, M.D. (I '15), Division of Hematology, assistant professor of medicine and oncology

Resident awards


Outstanding Achievement

Daniel Childs, M.D. (I '18)


Outstanding Achievement

Virginia Dines, M.D. (I '18)


Outstanding Achievement

Navine Nasser-Ghodsi, M.D. (I '18)


Outstanding Achievement

Gregory Stroh, M.D. (I '18)


Outstanding Research Achievement

Gilherme Piovezani Ramos, M.D., (I '18)


Outstanding Research Achievement

Isabel Hujoel, M.D. (I '18)

Subspecialty fellow awards


Jad Sfeir, M.D. (CTSA ’18, ENDO ’18, GERI ’19)
Kathryn H. and Roger Penske Career Development Award in Endocrinology in Honor of Dr. Ian Hay
“Association Between Fragility Fractures and Senescence-Associated Secretory Profile”


J. Arnold Bargen Award, Gastroenterology

Ju Dong Yang, M.D. (CTSA '11, CTSC '11, GI '11, GI '17), Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, instructor in medicine


Eugenie Mayer Bolz Award, Gastroenterology

Bradley W. Anderson, M.D. (I '15, CI '16, GI '18), Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Fiterman Fellow Award, Gastroenterology

Christopher Blevins, M.D. (I '15), Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Geriatric Medicine Achievement Award, Primary Care Internal Medicine

Daniel Sanchez Pellecer, M.D. (GERI '19), Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology


Hematology/Oncology Award, Outstanding Achievement

Surbhi Sidana, M.B.B.S. (HEMO '18), Division of Hematology, assistant professor of medicine and oncology


Hematology/Oncology Award, Outstanding Achievement

Jonas Paludo, M.D. (I '15), Division of Hematology, assistant professor of medicine and oncology


Principal investigator: Maryam Mahmood, M.B., Ch.B. (INFD ’18), Division of Infectious Diseases, Mayo Clinic Rochester

Collaborator: Stacey Rizza, M.D. (MED ’95, I ’98, INFD ’01), Division of Infectious Diseases, Mayo Clinic Rochester


Infectious Diseases Award, Outstanding Research

Matthew Thoendel, M.D., Ph.D. (I '15, CI '16), Division of Infectious Diseases


Nephrology Award, Outstanding Achievement, clinical fellow

Sandhya Manohar, M.B.B.S. (NEPH '18), Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, instructor in medicine


Nephrology Award, Outstanding Achievement, research fellow

Musab Hommos, M.B.B.S. (CTSA '17, NEPH '18), Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, assistant professor of medicine


Edward C. Rosenow, III Fellow Teaching Award

Badr Al Bawardy, M.D. (I '14, GI '17), Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, instructor in medicine


William H.J. Summerskill Award, Subspecialty Fellow Research

Niraj Shenoy, M.B.B.S. (HEMO '18), Division of Hematology, assistant professor of hematology and oncology

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