Mayo Clinic in Arizona MEGA recipients announced

The Mayo Clinic Clinical Research Subcommittee and Research Operations Management Team announced the 2021–22 recipients of the Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award (MEGA). The program is an intramural investment mechanism designed to provide pilot support to junior Mayo Clinic faculty on the Arizona campus who plan to pursue subsequent funding through competitive extramural mechanisms.

The MEGA award recipients are:

Brittany E. Howard, M.D. (ENT ‘15), chair, Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Mayo Clinic in Arizona: "Regenerative Medicine Approach to Nasal Reconstruction"

Juliana VanderPluym, M.D. (HEAD ’16), Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic in Arizona: "Migraine and Social Determinants of Health: A Population-Based, Health Disparities Study of Arizona Medicaid Recipients"


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