Mayo Clinic investigators receive grants from Naober Foundation for projects on connected care delivery models

Four Mayo Clinic investigators have received grants from the Naober Foundation – seed money to research projects on connected care delivery models.

Shanda Blackmon, M.D. (TSG '16)
Division of General Thoracic Surgery
Department of Surgery
Professor of surgery
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

“Esophagostomy Patient Remote Monitoring and Management System”

Dr. Blackmon’s team will study the effect of a digital patient remote monitoring and management system on patients on emergency department visits within six months after an esophagostomy.

Daniela Stan, M.D. (GIM '07)
Division of General Internal Medicine
Department of Medicine
Assistant professor of medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

“Accessing the Usability and Workflow Impact of a Mobile-Based Breast Cancer Survivorship Care Plan in the Oncology Practice”

Dr. Stan and her team will study the use of an interactive care plan in the long-term management of breast cancer survivors.

Kaare K. Nygaard Travel Awards
Alaa Sada, M.D. (CTSA ’20, S ’22) 

“Telemedicine Care for Bariatric Patients: What Do Patients Prefer?”

A barrier to expanding the bariatric surgery patient population at Mayo Clinic is the frequent need for in-person follow-up care, which has been associated with better long-term outcomes. Dr. Sada and her team will compare video telemedicine post follow-ups to standard postoperative visits through a randomized clinical trial that will assess patient satisfaction and perception of telemedicine visits as well as the costs of both.

Regan Theiler, M.D., Ph.D. (OBG '18)
Chair, Division of Obstetrics
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

“Synchronous, Remote Obstetrics Services for Rural Health Facilities: Implementation and Outcomes in Mayo Clinic Health System”

Dr. Theiler and her team will study the use of real-time, remote obstetrics video telemedicine services at Mayo Clinic Health System community hospitals and the impact on the outcomes of maternal emergencies and staff safety attitudes at the hospitals.


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