Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award goes to Arizona junior faculty

Mayo Clinic awarded 2017 grants from the Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award (MEGA) Program, an intramural investment designed to provide pilot support to junior faculty at Mayo Clinic in Arizona who plan to pursue subsequent funding through competitive extramural mechanisms.

Juliana Kling, M.D., Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award

Juliana Kling, M.D.

  • Juliana Kling, M.D. (I ’13), Women’s Health Center at Mayo Clinic in Arizona; her research project is “Cognitive Effects of Ovarian Hormones in Menopause.”
Aaron Mangold, M.D., Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award

Aaron Mangold, M.D.

  • Aaron Mangold, M.D. (TY ’12, DERM ’15), Department of Dermatology at Mayo Clinic in Arizona; his research project is “Predicting Metastatic Potential of High Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using Whole Exome and Transcriptome Sequencing.”
Amaal Starling, M.D. Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award

Amaal Starling, M.D.

  • Amaal Starling, M.D. (TY ’09, N ’12, HEAD ’13), Department of Neurology at Mayo Clinic in Arizona; her research project is “Understanding Post-Traumatic Headache: Forward Translation of a Post-Traumatic Headache in the Human.”
  • Leslie Thomas, M.D., Mayo Clinic Investment for Extramural Grants Award

    Leslie Thomas, M.D.

  • Leslie Thomas, M.D. (I ’07, NEPH ’10), Division of Nephrology at Mayo Clinic in Arizona; his research project is “Ammonia Physiology Following Changes in Renal Hemodynamics and Acute Kidney Injury.”

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