Mayo Clinic Office of Diversity and Inclusion announces recipients of Research Career Support and Advancement Award

The Mayo Clinic Office of Research Diversity and Inclusion announced recipients of its Research Career Support and Advancement Award. The program provides research support to consulting staff members who have primary responsibility for their dependents (e.g., children, elderly individuals or disabled adults).

“Mayo Clinic is dedicated to the career development of all staff and understands the many competing commitments that a caregiver must balance,” says Jennifer Westendorf, Ph.D. (IMM ’96), director, Office of Research Diversity and Inclusion. “We were thrilled to receive additional funds from departments and Research leadership to expand our program support for eight outstanding recipients.”

Award recipients

Recipients receive a $25,000 grant to supplement an already-funded project or develop new research directions. The 2018 award winners and their collaborators are:

Joline Brandenburg, M.D. (PMR ’08, CTSA ’14)
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Department of Neurology
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Assistant professor of pediatrics and physical medicine and rehabilitation
Mayo Clinic Rochester

“Respiratory Neuromotor Control in Spastic Cerebral Palsy”


  • Gary Sieck, Ph.D. (ANES ’90), Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; professor of anesthesiology and physiology

Alice Chang, M.D., (ENDO ’12)
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, & Nutrition
Department of Medicine
Assistant professor of medicine
Mayo Clinic Rochester

“The Effect of Transgender Hormone Therapy on Adipose Tissue Biology and Distribution”

Candace Granberg, M.D. (U ’10)
Department of Urology
Assistant professor of urology
Mayo Clinic Rochester

“The Use of Patient Avatars to Enable Clinicians to Identify Wilms Tumor and Rhabdomyosarcoma Patients That Will Maximally Benefit From Oncolytic Virotherapy and Checkpoint Inhibitor Drugs”

Shannon Laughlin-Tommaso, M.D. (OBG ’09)
Chair, Division of Gynecology
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Surgery
Associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology
Mayo Clinic Rochester

“Predictors of Successful Conservative Fibroid Management”


  • Veena Iyer, M.B.B.S., M.D. (RANG ’16, RGI ’17), Division of Ultrasonography, Department of Radiology, assistant professor of radiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester

Amy Lightner, M.D. (CRS ’16)
Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery
Department of Surgery
Assistant professor of surgery
Mayo Clinic Rochester

“The Intra-Arterial Delivery of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Luminal Crohn’s Disease: Safety, Efficacy and Implications for Disease Discovery”


  • William Faubion, M.D. (PDGI ’98, GI ’92), Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Department of Immunology, professor of immunology, medicine and pediatrics, Mayo Clinic Rochester

“Assessment of Tissue Mechanical Properties and a Risk Assessment or Prognostic Biomarker of Breast Cancer Using MR Elastography”


  • Richard Ehman, M.D. (R-D ’85), Division of Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Department of Radiology; Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering; professor of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester
  • Celine Vachon, Ph.D. (HSR ’99), chair, Division of Epidemiology, Department of Health Sciences Research, professor of epidemiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester
  • Kathleen Brandt M.D. (I ’89, R-D ’93, R-ABD ’94), Division of Breast Imaging and Prevention, Department of Radiology, associate professor of radiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester
  • Yuxiang Zhou, Ph.D. (R-D ’16), Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Arizona
  • Yuan Le, Ph.D. (BME ’07), Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Arizona

“Remote Monitoring of Chemotheraphy Toxicities Using Apple Mobile Technology”


  • Jeff Sloan, Ph.D. (HSR ’95), Department of Health Sciences Research, professor of biostatistics and oncology, Mayo Clinic Rochester
  • Paul Novotny, assistant professor of biostatistics
  • Kathleen Yost, Ph.D. (HSR ’09), Division of Epidemiology, Department of Health Sciences Research, associate professor of health sciences research, Mayo Clinic Rochester
  • Amylou Dueck, Ph.D. (HSR ’05), Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, Department of Health Sciences Research, associate professor of biostatistics, Mayo Clinic Arizona
  • Alicia Bartz
  • Jennifer Weis
  • Troy Neumann

Jennifer Wethe, Ph.D. (P ’13)
Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
Assistant professor of psychology
Mayo Clinic Arizona

“Clinical Tool Validation and Correlates of Youth Sports Participation: Validation of a Sideline Concussion Protocol for Lay Persons”


  • Amaal Starling, M.D. (TY ’09, N ’12, HEAD ’13), Department of Neurology, assistant professor of neurology, Mayo Clinic Arizona
  • Jamie Bogle, Au.D., Ph.D. (ENT ’12), chair, Division of Audiology, Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery/Audiology, assistant professor of audiology, Mayo Clinic Arizona
  • David Dodick, M.D. (I-1 ’91, N ’94), Department of Neurology professor of neurology, Mayo Clinic Arizona



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