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Mayo Clinic President’s Discovery Translation Program announces award recipients

The Mayo Clinic President’s Discovery Translation Program announced the first round of winners of 2021 awards. This enterprisewide initiative provides targeted resources at critical stages of product or service development and supports projects that hold greatest promise for transformative advancement in safety, quality and efficacy of clinical care. The translation of discovery to clinical and commercial applications fosters the premier position of Mayo Clinic as a center of excellence in medicine and biomedical innovation.

Round one awardees are:

"Gene Therapy for Propionic Acidemia"
Principal investigator: Michael Barry, Ph.D. (INFD ’06), Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic in Rochester

"Noninvasive Cochlear Stimulation System"
Principal investigator: Michael Cevette, Ph.D. (AUDI ’87), Division of Audiology, Mayo Clinic in Arizona





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