Mayo Clinic staff appointed to National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines panels

Mayo Clinic staff members have been appointed to serve on National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines panels.

Suryakanth (Suryakanth Reddy) Gurudu, M.D. (GI '03)
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
NCCN Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines Panel

Shehzad Niazi, M.D. (P '12)
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
Mayo Clinic in Florida
NCCN Distress Management Guidelines Panel

Timothy Kaufmann, M.D. (RNEU '04)
Department of Radiology
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
NCCN Imaging Guidelines Panel

Elise Carey, M.D. (GIM '07), Division of General Internal Medicine


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