Mayo Clinic Alumni Association presents Balfour and Kendall Awards

Balfour and Kendall Awards

Johnathon Aho, M.D., receives the Donald C. Balfour Award for Meritorious Research

The Mayo Clinic Alumni Association presented its annual Balfour and Kendall Awards at the annual awards celebration for Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. The event is hosted by the school, Mayo Fellows’ Association and Mayo Clinic Alumni Association.



The Donald C. Balfour Alumni Award was established in 1939 and recognizes outstanding research by a resident of the Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education whose training is in a clinical field.

Donald C. Balfour Alumni Award for Meritorious Research

Balfour and Kendall Awards

Johnathon Aho, M.D., Ph.D.

Johnathon Aho, M.D., Ph.D. (CI ’16, BME ’17, S ’18), Division of General Surgery, Mayo Clinic in Rochester, for research in the translation of tissue engineering and engineering principles and devices to clinical care.

The Edward C. Kendall Alumni Award for Meritorious Research recognizes outstanding research by an individual whose primary appointment is in research.

Edward C. Kendall Alumni Award for Meritorious Research

Balfour and Kendall Awards

Rene Rodriguez Gutierrez, M.D.


Rene Rodriguez Gutierrez, M.D. (ENDO ’16), Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, Diabetes, Nutrition, and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic in Rochester; now professor of medicine and research director in the Division of Endocrinology at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, for research in evidence-based and patient-centered endocrinology and diabetes care.


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