Mayo Clinic announces 2018 Endowment for Education Research Awards
Mayo Clinic’s Office of Applied Scholarship and Education Science announced recipients of the 2018 Endowment for Education Research Awards. These tiered awards will be used to increase the value of Mayo Clinic’s educational programs, contribute to the science of education, develop academic careers of Mayo Clinic educators, and contribute to biomedical and health science education.

John Ratelle, M.D. (I ’03), Division of Hospital Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic Rochester: “Effect of Bedside Rounds on Learner Outcomes in Medical Education – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”

Susan Hallbeck, Ph.D. (HSR ’13), Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic Rochester: “Educational Role of an Advanced Laparoscopic Surgical Simulation Task in Laparoscopic Skills Acquisition and Transference Among Surgical Interns”

Michael Cullen, M.D. (I ’09, CMR ’10, CV ’14), Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic Rochester: “Characteristics of Internal Medicine Residents who are Successful at Matriculating into Cardiology Fellowships – a Retrospective Cohort Study”

Abd Moain Abu Dabrh, M.B. B.Ch. (PREV ’14), Department of Family Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida: “Professionalism and Communication Skills – a Multi-site Study Assessing Proficiency in Core Competencies and Milestones”

James Colletti, M.D. (PD ’02), Department of Emergency Medicine, Mayo Clinic Health System – Mankato: “Efficacy of Resident Retreats on Resident Physician Wellness as Determined by MBI Analysis”

Bethany Lowndes, Ph.D. (HSR ’15), Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic Rochester: “Integration of Ergonomic Education into Residency Simulation Training”

Ivan Porter, M.D. (I ’11, CMR ’12), Division of Nephrology & Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida: “Conference Evaluation and Engagement in an Internal Medicine Residency Program”

Jose Valery, M.D. (I ’15, I ’16), Division of Community Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida: “Video Intervention to Improve Incident Reporting Among Medical Trainees at Mayo Clinic”