Regenerative Medicine Minnesota grants for Biobusiness Development and Education Programs

Regenerative Medicine Minnesota awarded $1.2 million to fund Biobusiness Development and Education Programs in the state. Programs led by several Mayo Clinic trainees or staff received one-year grants are:

Education programs – post-secondary

Rosalie Sterner, M.D./Ph.D. candidate (IMM '20, MED '20, BMS '21, MCPH '21)
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine
"Graduate and Postdoctoral Training in Regenerative T Cell Immunotherapy and CART Cell Therapy"

Education programs – K-12

Bruce Horazdovsky, Ph.D. (MBIO '02)
Associate dean of Academic Affairs
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Created in 2014, Regenerative Medicine Minnesota is a joint venture between the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic, with a goal of establishing infrastructure and supporting research that would bring the benefits of regenerative medicine to the citizens of the state.

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