Mayo Clinic Distinguished Alumni Award

Distinguished Alumni Award

The Mayo Clinic Distinguished Alumni Award was established in 1981 by the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees to acknowledge and show appreciation for the exceptional contributions of Mayo alumni to the field of medicine, including medical practice, research, education, and administration. Individuals receiving this award are recognized nationally — and often internationally — in their field.

Selection criteria

Nominees should be Alumni of Mayo Clinic who:

  • Achieved national or international peer recognition of accomplishments in education, research, clinical practice or administration 
  • Published in significant scientific discovery and publications 
  • Reached leadership in his or her field 
  • Demonstrated professional and personal integrity 
  • Community service involvement
  • Able to attend the Mayo Clinic Distinguished Alumni Award dinner (held annually, typically in October)

*Mayo Clinic staff who are members of the Mayo Clinic Alumni Association are ineligible unless retired or 70 years of age or older.


A Mayo Clinic Alumni Association member may nominate one candidate each year for the Mayo Clinic Distinguished Alumni Award. Previously nominated candidates may be nominated again. Nominations must include the following:

  • Completed nomination form 
  • Nomination deadline: March 1, 2025
  • Nomination letter summarizing the nominee’s attributes and accomplishments 
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae and bibliography 
  • Letters of recommendation from Mayo alumni or other individuals (at least three and no more than five letters)

Mayo Clinic Distinguished Alumni Award recipients

*Denotes deceased as of August 27, 2024

Clifford Jack Jr., M.D. (RNEU ’84)
Rochester, Minnesota

Nita Maihle, Ph.D. (BMB ’89)
Augusta, Georgia

Alexandre Nehme, M.D. (ORAL ’04)
Beruit, Lebanon

Rick Nishimura, M.D. (I ’80, CV ’83)
Rochester, Minnesota

Kerry Olsen, M.D. (MED ’76, ENT ’81)
Rochester, Minnesota

Robert Wharen Jr., M.D. (S ’80, NS ’85)
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida


Stephen S. Burkhart, M.D. (OR ’81)
Boerne, Texas

Mary F. Burritt, M.D. (PATH ’78)
Fountain Hills, Arizona

Gerald J. Gleich, M.D. (IMM ’65)
Salt Lake City, Utah

Morey W. Haymond, M.D. (PD ’78)
Eden, Utah

Celestia S. Higano, M.D. (I ’82)
Seattle, Washington

Ronald C. Petersen, M.D., Ph.D. (MED ’80, N ’84)
Rochester, Minnesota


Sir John Hardy, Ph.D. (PHAR ’96)
London, England

Nicholas F. LaRusso, M.D. (I ’72, GI ’75)
Rochester, Minnesota

David G. Piepgras, M.D. (NS ’74)
Rochester, Minnesota

Ann Stroink, M.D. (NS ’85)
Bloomington, Illinois

Misael Uribe Esquivel, M.D. (GI ’76)
Mexico City, Mexico

Zbigniew K. Wszolek, M.D. (EEMG ’91)
Jacksonville, Florida


John Burnett Jr., M.D. (I ’78, CV ’82)
Rochester, Minnesota

Christopher Chute, M.D., Dr.P.H. (EPID ’88)
Baltimore, Maryland

Richard Hurt, M.D. (I ’76)
Rochester, Minnesota

Atul Malhotra, M.D. (I ’96)
San Diego, California

Francisco Puga, M.D. (S ’73, TS ’75)
San Antonio, Texas

Carole Warnes, M.D. (CV ’88)
Rochester, Minnesota


Miguel Cabanela, M.D. (OR ’73)
Rochester, Minnesota

John Cooke, M.D., Ph.D. (I ’82, CV ’84, PHYS ’85, CV ’87)
Houston, Texas

David Holmes Jr., M.D. (I ’74, CV ’76)
Rochester, Minnesota

Edward Laws Jr., M.D. (NS ’72)
Boston, Massachusetts

Robert Rizza, M.D. (ENDO ’80)
Rochester, Minnesota

Nicholas Talley, M.D., Ph.D. (GI ’89)
New Lambton, Australia

20192019 award winners

S. Ann Colbourne, M.D. (I ’93, ADGM ’94)
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Timothy O’Brien, M.D., Ph.D. (ENDO ’93)
Galway, Ireland

Franklyn Prendergast, M.D., Ph.D. (BIOC ’77)
Broomfield, Colorado

Patricia Simmons, M.D. (PD ’80, PDE ’82)
Lakewood, Washington

Joseph Szurszewski, Ph.D. (PHYS ’73)
Rochester, Minnesota

Enrique Wolpert, M.D. (GI ’69)
Mexico City, Mexico

20182018 award winners

Robert Avant, M.D. (FM ’77)
Bonita Springs, Florida

C. Terrence Dolan, M.D. (M ’68, PATH ’68)
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Judith Kaur, M.D. (ONCL ’94)
Jacksonville, Florida

Vanda Lennon, M.D., Ph.D. (N ’78)
Rochester, Minnesota

Chung Owyang, M.D. (GI ’78)
Ann Arbor, Michigan


Stephen Challacombe, Ph.D. (IMM ’79)
London, England

Donald Greydanus, M.D. (S ’74, PD ’76)
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Robert Nirschl, M.D. (OR ’63)
Arlington, Virginia

Thomas Spelsberg, Ph.D. (BIOC ’73)
Waunakee, Wisconsin

Robert Waller, M.D. (I ’67, OPH ’70)
Memphis, Tennessee

20162016 award winners

Kai-Nan An, Ph.D. (BIOM ’75)
Rochester, Minnesota

Albert Czaja, M.D. (GI ’77)
Rochester, Minnesota

James Eisenach, M.D. (ANES ‘85)
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

David Feliciano, M.D. (S ‘71)
Indianapolis, Indiana

20152015 award winners

C. Garrison Fathman, M.D. (IMM ’77)
Stanford, California

Bernard Gersh, M.B., Ch.B., D. Phil. (CV ’79)
Rochester, Minnesota

Audrey Nelson, M.D. (I ’69, RHEU ’71)
Rochester, Minnesota

Kristina Rother, M.D. (PD ’88, PED ’94)
Bethesda, Maryland

20142014 award winners

E. Rolland Dickson, M.D. (I ’64)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Brian G. M. Durie, M.D. (I ’70, HEM ’72)
West Hollywood, California

K. Krishnan Unni, M.D. (PATH ’70, SGPA ’74)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Richard M. Weinshilboum, M.D. (PHAR ’72)
Rochester, Minnesota


Stephen Carmichael, Ph.D., D.Sc. (ANAT ‘82)
Rochester, Minnesota

Richard DeRemee, M.D. (I ‘66)
Rochester, Minnesota

Olaf Paulson, M.D., DMSc (N ‘73)
Copenhagen, Denmark

20122012 winners

Eugene P. DiMagno, M.D. (I ’68, GI ‘70)
Rochester, Minnesota

Thomas F. Luscher, M.D. (PHYS ‘84)

Zurich, Switzerland

Robert G. Siekert, M.D. (N ‘50)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Cornelia Weyand, M.D. (RHEU ‘91)
Palo Alto, California

Richard F. Brubaker, M.D. (OPH ’70)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Gene G. Hunder, M.D. (RHEU  ’64)
Rochester, Minnesota

Keith A. Kelly, M.D. (PHYS ’67, S ’68)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Guillermo Ruiz- Argüelles, M.D. (HEM ’83)
Puebla, México

David E. Clapham, M.D., Ph.D. (PHAR ‘87)
Boston, Massachusetts

Eugene B. Kern, M.D. (ENT ’68)
Rochester, Minnesota

Bernard F. Morrey, M.D. (S ’72, OR ‘76)
Rochester, Minnesota

John D. Stobo, M.D. (IMM ‘73)
Oakland, California

Franklyn G. Knox, M.D., Ph. D. (PHYS ‘71)
Rochester, Minnesota

Irwin J. Schatz, M.D. (I ‘61)*
Honolulu, Hawaii

Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. (I ‘58)
Rochester, Minnesota

Jon A. van Heerden, M.B., Ch.B. (S ‘70)
Seabrook, South Carolina

Andrew G. Engel, M.D. (I ’61, N ‘62)
Rochester, Minnesota

Roland W. Moskowitz, M.D. (I ‘60)*
Beachwood, Ohio

Peter C. Pairolero, M.D. (S ’71, TS ‘74)
Rochester, Minnesota

Robert B. Wallace, M.D. (CS ‘64)
McLean, Virginia

John Braasch, M.D., Ph.D. (S ‘55)
Lincoln, Massachusetts

Peter Dyck, M.D. (N ‘60)
Rochester, Minnesota

Robert Frye, M.D. (CV ‘62)
Rochester, Minnesota

Paul Vanhoutte, M.D., Ph.D. (PHYS ‘69)
Hong Kong, China

Hubert G.W. Frohmüller, M.D., M.S. (U ‘63)*
Würzburg, Germany

Robert E. Hyatt, M.D. (PHYS ’62)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Philip R. Lee, M.D. (I ‘55)*
Palo Alto, California

Sir Brian G. Barratt-Boyes, M.D. (S ‘55)*
Milford, New Zealand

Robert A. Kyle, M.D. (I ‘59)
Rochester, Minnesota

Richard K. Winkelmann, M.D., Ph.D. (DERM ‘55)*
Fountain Hills, Arizona

Howard A. Andersen, M.D. (S ‘49, I ‘51)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Edmund Y.S. Chao, Ph.D. (ORR ‘72)
Catonsville, Maryland

Kenneth G. Mann, Ph.D. (HEM ‘72)
Grand Isle, Vermont

Francis J. Haddy, M.D., Ph.D. (I ‘51)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Gertrude M. Tyce, Ph.D. (BIOC ‘63)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Jack P. Whisnant, M.D. (I ‘53, N ‘55)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Valentin Fuster, M.D., Ph.D. (I ‘72, CV ‘74)
New York, New York

Vay Liang W. Go, M.D. (I ‘67, GI ‘71)
Los Angeles, California

Kai Rehder, M.D. (I ‘58, ANES ‘60, PHYS ’61)
Vail, Colorado

Robert W.M. Frater, M.B., Ch.B. (S ‘59, TS ‘61)
Bronxville, New York

Alan F. Hofmann, M.D. (GI ‘66)
La Jolla, California

John W. Joyce, M.D. (I ‘63)
Rochester, Minnesota

B. Lawrence Riggs, M.D. (I ‘62)
Rochester, Minnesota

Suzanne T. Ildstad, M.D. (MED ‘78)
Louisville, Kentucky

William H. ReMine Jr., M.D. (S ‘45)*
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

John A. Washington II, M.D. (M ‘68)*
Cleveland, Ohio

Donato Alarcón-Segovia, M.D., M.S. (RHEU ’65)*
Mexico City, Mexico

Leonard T. Kurland, M.D., Ph.D. (N ‘53)*
Rochester, Minnesota

John E. Woods, M.D., Ph.D. (S ’66, PLS ‘68)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Shahbudin H. Rahimtoola, M.B. (PHYS ‘66)*
Los Angeles, California

Edward C. Rosenow III, M.D. (I ’65)
Rochester, Minnesota

Robert J. White, M.D., Ph.D. (NS ‘58)*
Cleveland, Ohio

Arnold S. Anderson Jr., M.D. (PD ‘50)*
Scandia, Minnesota

John R. Blinks, M.D. (PHAR ‘68)*
Friday Harbor, Washington

Richard J. Reitemeier, M.D. (I ‘54)*
Rochester, Minnesota

E.J. Walter Bowie, M.D. (I ‘61)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Juan Ramon de la Fuente, M.D. (P ‘80)
Mexico City, Mexico

Alexander J. Walt, M.D. (S ‘56)*
Huntington Woods, Michigan

Hugh R. Butt, M.D. (I ‘36)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Harold O. Perry, M.D. (DERM ‘52)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Martin A. Adson, M.D. (S ‘55)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Robert J. Ryan, M.D. (BIOC ‘67)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Harold J. C. Swan, M.D. (PHYS ‘51)*
Beverly Hills, California

Norman L. Browse, M.D. (S ‘65)*
London, England

Howard B. Burchell, M.D. (I ‘40)*
St. Paul, Minnesota

Edward D. Henderson, M.D. (OR ‘50)*
Rochester, Minnesota

William M. Manger, M.D., Ph.D. (I ‘55)*
New York City, New York

Vernon R. Mattox, Ph.D. (BIOC ‘42)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Ross H. Miller, M.D. (NS ‘54)*
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

James C. Hunt, M.D. (I ‘58)*
Memphis, Tennessee

Robert W. Jamplis, M.D. (TS ‘52)*
Palo Alto, California

Kenneth G. Berge, M.D. (I ‘55)*
Rochester, Minnesota

H. Corwin Hinshaw, Ph.D., M.D. (I ‘36)*
Belvedere, California

Edward H. Lambert, M.D. (PHYS ‘43)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Charles A. Owen Jr., M.D. (I ‘50)*
Rochester, Minnesota

John P. Utz, M.D. (I ‘52)*
Washington, D.C.

Hillier L. Baker, M.D. (R ‘53)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Crowell Beard, M.D. (OPH ‘43)*
Redwood City, California

Jesse E. Edwards, M.D. (PATH ‘46)*
St. Paul, Minnesota

Collin S. MacCarty, M.D. (NS ‘44)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Oliver H. Beahrs, M.D. (S ‘50)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Charles C. Edwards, M.D. (CRS ’54, S ‘56)*
La Jolla, California


Mark B. Coventry, M.D. (S ’39, OR ‘42)*
Rochester, Minnesota

F. Henry Ellis Jr., M.D. (TS ‘53)*
Burlington, Massachusetts

John T. Shepherd, M.D. (PHYS ‘54)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Griff T. Ross, M.D., Ph.D. (I ‘59)*
Houston, Texas

Earl H. Wood, M.D., Ph.D. (PHYS ‘42)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Shervert H. Frazier Jr., M.D. (P ‘55)*
Concord, Minnesota

L. Emmerson Ward, M.D. (I ‘50)*
Rochester, Minnesota

David C. Dahlin, M.D. (PATH ‘47)*
Rochester, Minnesota

Thomas W. McElin, M.D. (OBG ‘50)*
Chicago, Illinois

John W. Kirklin, M.D. (S ‘50)*
Birmingham, Alabama

Dwight C. McGoon, M.D. (S ‘57)*
Rochester, Minnesota

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